PhD Mariola Ciszewska-Mlinarič

Professor of Strategy and International Business, Dean of the Management Collage at Kozminski University and Director of KU Research Center for Innovative Growth Strategies

Mariola Ciszewska-Mlinarič (PhD) is Professor of Strategy and International Business, Dean of the Management Collage at Kozminski University and Director of KU Research Center for Innovative Growth Strategies. She has extensive experience in corporate consulting and training in the area of the enterprise growth strategies, business model innovation, internationalization, and performance management systems. Mariola has been awarded a medal of the Polish National Education Commission for special merits in education, headed two large-scale research grants funded by the Polish National Science Centre and, as a contractor, took part in multiple research grants, among others supported by China Europe International Business School. She is the author of several dozen publications in the field of international strategy and management, publishing in international journals, incl. Journal of Business Research, Business History, Journal for East European Management Studies, and European Journal of International Management