Remigiusz Kopoczek

President of the Board and originator

ARP Games

President of the Board and originator of ARP Games - the first Polish video game accelerator established in 2016 by the Industrial Development Agency, the University of Silesia and the Cieszyn Poviat. Creator of the Acceleration Program for beginner teams creating video games. Co-creator of the "Game and virtual space design" studies at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Silesia. Winner of the team award of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for didactic achievements for the development of an innovative, practical artistic direction "Game and virtual space design" in 2014. In 2012-2016, deputy dean for education and students of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Silesia. Co-author and participant of many projects related to game design, including: PWP Game and virtual space design - innovative development of second-cycle studies based on the experience of a foreign partner, Game Jam Square, LAG Festival of Art and Independent Games.

Speaker presentations

2019-10-03 / 10:00:00 - 10:30:00
Um dolor s
Kevin Mitnick
Remigiusz Kopoczek
Main Stage
2019-10-02 / 12:00:00 - 12:30:00
Is, sem
Małgorzata Węgierek
Remigiusz Kopoczek
Business 4.0